Lakeshore Cricket League Summer Rulebook
®® All clubs must provide two designated contacts for the club. Primary (first choice) and Secondary (second choice).
®® The League Executives shall only communicate with these contacts or the primary contact as they seem fit.
®® Preferred method of communication shall be electronic correspondence.
Player Registrations
All players/members of the club must be registered with the League. Umpires can check players ID at any given point in a match or after the match. Acceptable form of ID is the Driver License cards, the on field umpire shall verify ID cards and reserves the right to disallow players without ID cards to participate in the game. If a team plays an unregistered player and the player cannot provide his ID even after the game, then that game will be disqualified and opposition will win the game with a bonus point. Captains have to be careful that no unregistered player should participate at any point else a team / particular player / captain can be banned from the League. If a player is registered after April 12th, $25 admin fee will be applicable per player per team per division. Last day to add a player is July 29th. At this date, the squads will be locked & No player additions can be made after this date. A player is allowed only one transfer in the season to a different Club / Team. $25 admin fee will still apply and the deadline for transfer is June 15th. After that, no players can be transferred to another club / Team.
A player is only Allowed to Represent One Club
A Player can only represent One Club in different Divisions or formats at Lakeshore Cricket League (ex. if Riders Cricket Club have 2 Teams - 1 in Premier, 1 in 1st Division - Only then can a player represent Riders CC for 2 different Divisions or different formats). A player is not allowed to play for any other club in another Division or format under any other circumstance. If this happens, then the Games will be disqualified for that particular team. Captains have to be careful and let your players know else your team will be Disqualified.
Team Management:
®® Teams may carry a maximum of Thirty five (35) players on their team roster. The team roster must be declared prior to the season. Failure to register a player can cause a team to lose the points in which any unregistered player had taken part. All players registered should be 16 +
Players cant be under any substance influence (alcohol or drugs) prior and/or while the match is in progress, players can be removed from a match and be penalized.
Shortage of Players
A team shall be allowed to start a match with minimum 6 players ready on the field
®® Teams may select a maximum of thirteen (13) players in a match with eleven (11) on the field at a time (13 players per game). Rolling Substitutions are allowed in the League. At any point of time, there will be maximum 11 players on the field. Any player can bat or bowl out of the selected 13. If a player arrives late to a match, he can right away bowl an over after the over in progress. Captain has the option to substitute players on the field after each over (not in between a over)
®® Same jerseys for all the players on the field
®® White Jerseys and White pads are not allowed (same colour as the ball)
®® Players should be in proper sports attire (no shorts allowed)
Note: Lakeshore Cricket League would keep a track of the stats and upload the scores via the CricClubs app on the website.
®® Wide & No ball = 1 run awarded
®® Overthrows are part of the game
®® Bye-Runs are allowed
®® Leg Byes are allowed
®® All 'NO Balls' will result in to a Free Hit. Batsman can NOT get out in free hits except: Run Out, Handled the ball, Obstruction and Hit the ball twice. (similar to No-Ball)
Use of Saliva on the ball can be a penalty of 5 runs for the fielding team.
Results & Points
®® Win 6 points
®® Tie 3 point each
1 Bonus point for any team that achieves victory with a run rate 1.25 times that of the opposition. A team's run rate will be calculated by reference to the number of runs scored divided by the number of overs faced. In a game default, the winning team gets the bonus point
®® A match will conclude with a result only upon each innings record at least 5 overs. Any match abandoned because of weather or any other uncontrollable factors, then 3 point will be awarded to both the teams.
®® If a match is abandoned due to a team not showing up on the field ie match forfeit; 6 points are awarded to the winning team along with 1 bonus point.
DL Method will be used to establish a result for the following scenarios:
1. Rain interrupting play upon each innings recorded at least 5 overs
2. Play stopped due to bad light
DL method will be used on the Cricclubs App
Ground Conditions and Conduciveness: Only the officiating umpires for the game will have the power to decide the conduciveness of the field for a game. Umpires will consult and take into account the captains' opinion but reserve the right to decide on the final outcome of feasibility of ground conditions. In the case of a game cancellation due to such conditions, both teams will be awarded 3 points.
In case the Playoffs slot gets rained out, then the team ranking higher in the points table will go through and win that round. Kindly note that a team not agreeing to playing on any of the playoffs date will mean an automatic forfeit and the other team will win that round.
Game Format
®® 80 minutes per innings for a T20 match with a 5 minute break between the innings. Same time to be applied for T12 Games.
®® Power Play overs – First 6 overs of each T20 innings and First 4 Overs for each T12 Innings. 2 Players maximum are allowed to field outside the 30 yard circle. After the powerplay, maximum of 5 players are allowed to field outside the 30 yard circle. This rule applies even when a fielding unit is short of a player or players.
®® Toss will take place 15 minutes before the start of play. Timings mentioned in the schedule is toss time.
Example: Game Start time is 5:45 PM. Toss will be at 5:30 PM. Home team should set up the field by toss time.
®® In order to have a Toss, at least 6 players from each team must be present in their team jerseys.
®® In case of a time delay in the start of the game due to weather or external factors, 4 minutes per over shall be reduced for the amount of lost time in both innings.
Refusal to participate in schedule of games or unilateral withdrawal of a club or team shall be considered as having withdrawn from the association. All fees paid to the association by a club or team withdrawing from the schedule shall remain the undisputed property of the Association.
Match Cancellation
Team may advise the league of their inability to participate in a schedule game at latest THREE days before the scheduled game. Failure to do so will be considered a match default®. For this context: all teams shall be allowed a maximum of three cancelled game during the season. Such cancelled match shall not be postponed, or relocated and full “winning points” shall be awarded to the opposite team.
Schedule Changes
The League reserves the right to make changes to the schedule/fixture. Any such changes shall be communicated to the designated team contact by way of email or Social Media posting.
Over Limit
At least 5 bowlers have to be used in an innings.
T20: The maximum over distribution is 4-4-4-4-4.
T12: The maximum over distribution is 3-3-2-2-2
Teams can use as many bowlers as they want, without exceeding the above mentioned quota.
®® Batsman can be out under all applicable cricket laws of ICC / MCC.
®® When a batsman gets out, the new batsman has to be ready at the crease within the next 90 seconds or else he would be given out - Timed Out.
®® If a batsman is retired hurt, he may resume his innings at the fall of next wicket or any other batsman get retired. If the batsman gets injured, he cannot take more than 60 seconds to decide whether he wants to retire himself or continue playing the game.
®® No runner will be allowed for the injured batsman.
Penalty For Missing Cut Off
First Innings:
If a team fielding first fails to bowl the allocated overs in the specified time, they shall continue to bowl until they have done so. However, they shall only bat the amount of overs bowled at the scheduled cut of time. (i.e. if 19 overs bowled at cut off shall allow the team to only bat 19 overs). The over in progress at time of the cut off shall be counted as complete.
If in the opinion of an Umpire, delay was caused by a batting side, then the innings would close at the scheduled cut-off time and batting team in defaults would lose that many overs. Over in progress will be allowed to be completed.
Umpire at his discretion would allow reasonable extra time for the delay occurred due to circumstances beyond the control of both teams.
Umpire decision will be final and binding.
Second Innings:
If a team fielding second fails to bowl the allocated overs in the specified time, they shall continue to bowl until they have done so (if time / field of play available). The over in progress at time of the cut off shall be counted as complete.
In addition to this, minimum 8 runs per over penalty will be added to the batting side total for number of overs bowled short by a fielding side at cut-off time. If by adding penalty run , result is achieved then match would close at that point of time.
If in the opinion of an Umpire, delay was caused by a batting side, then the innings would close at the scheduled cut-off time and batting team in defaults would lose that many overs. Over in progress will be allowed to be completed.
In the unlikely event of extended time is reached and if field is NO LONGER available for play or if match is called off by the on field official, then at the end of the over in progress, batting side will be awarded highest run they had scored per over by them during their innings earlier to the total for the number of over remaining un-bowled to decide the result.
If in the opinion of an Umpire, delay was caused by a batting side, then the innings would close at the scheduled cut-off time and batting team in default would lose that many overs. Over in progress will be allowed to be completed.
Umpire at his discretion would allow reasonable extra time for the delay occurred due to circumstances beyond the control of both teams.
In addition, If the time exceeds for the play, the team which could not finish the overs in time/ a team deliberately tries to waste time, the on field umpire can decide to declare a loss for that particular team. The on field umpire shall be the best judge of this action and his decision shall be final and binding.
Games cancelled due to Lockdown
Teams will receive credits for any game cancellations due to Government lockdown ( Out of 12 League games) which can be used towards next Summer Season
Home Team/Toss
It is the responsibility of the Home Team to setup the wickets and cones before Toss. If they fail to setup within time, they will lose the toss. Furthermore, in case a team does not have 6 players in team jerseys by the scheduled toss time, the opposition can claim the toss.
Toss will take place 15 minutes before the start of the Match. Both Umpires (Leg & Main) have to be paid $70 for a T20 match at the time of toss.
Umpire/Verbal Abuse
Level 1 offence includes showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action - using obscene, offensive or insulting language that, appealing excessively - advancing towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing.
Player will receive a warning; another level 1 offence will be 5 penalty runs.
Level 2 offence includes showing serious dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action - making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with another player - throwing the ball at a player, umpire or another person in an inappropriate and dangerous manner - using language or gesture.
Player will receive a warning and 5 penalty runs awarded to the opposition. Potential ban for the next 2 games.
Level 3 offence includes intimidating an umpire by language or gesture - threatening to assault a player or any other person except an umpire.
Player will be removed from the field of play for the rest of the innings and 5 penalty runs awarded to the opposition. A player would also be required to pay a $100 fine and will be banned for the next game at Lakeshore Cricket League.
Level 4 offence includes threatening to assault an umpire - making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with an umpire - physically assaulting a player or any other person - committing any other act of violence.
Player will be removed from the field of play for the entire match and 5 penalty runs awarded to the opposition. A player would also be required to pay a $100 fine and will be banned for the next game at Lakeshore Cricket League. The league reserves the right to ban this player from participating in the league as well.
Match Default
®® Teams defaulting one game will automatically incur a fine of $150, payable immediately before playing their next game following a default game. All payments must be in email transfer to be paid to LCL. Failure to do so will disqualify them from participating further in the season.
®® The second defaulted game in the same season will incur a fine of $300, payable immediately before playing their next game of the next week following a default game. All payments must be in email transfer to be paid to LCL. Failure to do so will disqualify them from participating further in the season.
®® For this context, "default" is applicable when a game does not take place due to non-availability of the players (6 players dressed and ready to take the field) from the defaulting team and/or refusal of the team to take the field when instructed to do so (by the match official, or in absence of one, refusal to cooperate with the rival team to get the game underway by assigning umpires from the players). The on field official shall wait 45 minutes before a game can be considered as a default. Teams must inform the League 3 days in advance in case the players are not available and game shall be awarded to the opposition without any penalty fees.
Umpire Fee
Umpire Fee will be $20 per game per umpire for the scenario meeting all of the below conditions:
a) Not a single ball bowled in the match
b) Match gets called off
c) Umpire reaches the ground
Umpire fees $35 per game per umpire for the scenario meeting all of the below conditions:
a) Under 10 overs of total play completed
b) Match gets called off
After 10 overs are bowled, full $70 fees for T20 and $40 for T12 to be given to the umpire for the game per team
In situations where one team did not show up and umpires are present for the game, the umpires shall wait fully till the cut off time for the other team to come. If the opposition does not show up by cut off time even after umpires waiting, the team present shall pay $40 ($20 to be given to each umpire) as umpire fees and win the game along with a bonus point. The team doing the default will be penalized as mentioned in the match default section in the rulebook. If only one umpire reaches the ground for the League game and the other umpire does not show up due to factors outside the control of the League, the umpire present has to be paid $45 from each team that is $90 in total provided that he does Live scoring + Main umpiring for a T20 Game
For the safety and well-being of everyone involved, we would like to emphasize that wearing helmets is now mandatory for all players, regardless of whether they are facing a pacer, medium pacer, or spinner in Summer Lakeshore Cricket League.
Mandatory Helmets & Protective Gear
We have observed some concerning incidents recently due to players not wearing helmets, and to prevent any further risks, this rule will be enforced moving forward and captains are encouraged to tell their players to wear helmets and necessary equipment for their safety.
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