Privacy Policy & Complaints process | Lakeshore Canada Cricket League



Lakeshore Canada Cricket League  (“LCCL”) understands the importance of protecting your personal information. To help you understand how we are doing that, we have outlined the type of information we will be collecting, how our association is using this information  and the purpose for which we would disclose your information if required.

The LCCL with acquire consent of members and registered participants or their legal guardian through signing a Registration form on our website before personal information is used by the League and the City.


Required Information


Player Name  Player Age  

Home Address  Parent/Guardian Names  

E-Mail Address 


The league office will collect, store, use and disclose this information about you for the following purposes:


• to enable us (“us “ defined as representatives of the LCCL)  to contact you.


• to enable us to respond to requests & complaints from our members.


• to provide information/timing on games, practices, team photo shoots, and fund raisers.


• to allow us to maintain communication with you to distribute information pertinent to membership, player registration, try-outs and general association business.


• to inform you of any cricket matches, tournaments and children’s programs that the board deems of benefit to association members.


• to advise you of any changes to our association bylaws, board structure and board membership.


• to advise you of the date of the LCCL Annual General Meeting or any other meeting of members.


• to ensure our coaches understand, and can assist in  supporting, any material medical issues.


• to collect unpaid registrations and accounts and to invoice for goods & services rendered by the LCCL .


• to prove age eligibility for players.


• to distribute association sponsor news, deemed of benefit to association members by the board.


• to provide an informed cricket experience for all players and families.

 •  to enable us to respond to the City to meet the Community Group Registry Program policy requirements


  • LCCL Members may submit a complaint in confidence to​

  • The League representative if receives any complaint shall  try to resolve the matter immediately  

  • If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately, the representative will notify the Board of Management, of the complaint and details.  The complainant can contact the Board President directly.

  • The complaint shall be discussed in the next general meeting.  

  • Complainants will receive in writing, a response to their complaint that outlines the board’s decision within 10 days of the meeting  


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